Thursday 26 February 2015

Cara nak block invitation Games kat facebook

Aku pasti dan yakin ramai diantara korang yang menyampah and rasa semak bila tengok ade notification kat facebook, korang ingat tu mesti notification orang yang like status or gambar korang tapi hampa rupa-rupanya tu adelah notification rakan FB yang invite main candy crush and bermacam games lah yang ada kat FB tu. Eh, macam aku jer tu yang menyampah ngan geram tu. YAAA aku memang cukup meluat tengok notification berlambak tak kira siang tak kira malam tapi rupanya invite main games. GRRR memang boleh mendatangkan marah sampai tahap nak block orang tu dari FB. Tapi aku tak block tau, hampir hampir jer. So arini aku share dengan korang serba sedikit cara nak off notification tu dari terus berlambak-lambak kat facebook korang.

How to block all Facebook game and app requests on iPhone and iPad

  1. Launch the Facebook app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap on the More button in the bottom navigation.
  3. Tap on Settings — it's all the way at the bottom so you'll need to scroll down a ways.
  4. Tap on Notifications.
  5. Tap on Mobile Push under the How You Get Notifications section.
  6. Uncheck Application Requests and Application Invites.

You can repeat this process for email, text, message, and on Facebook too so you stop app and game requests everywhere. Keep in mind that this blocks requests from all apps, not just games. It doesn't mean you won't receive notifications for apps you've added yourself, but just ones other people send you that you haven't added on your own first.

courtesy of -

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